Weekend Reading 12.15

Happy weekend! This one feels especially well-earned, even though I'm spending most of it – surprise! – working. I'm sure pretty much anyone who works any kind of retail or customer-facing job can relate – damn, the holidays are insane.

My house? Not decorated at all. Work, on the other hand? I created a damn Christmas miracle last week. Wreaths were hung, trees were trimmed, stockings were stuffed, none of which were mine.... and I'm exhausted. This year has felt especially harried with the addition of several large events on the work calendar – so safe to say, the holidays have been a little different for Chris and I this year (for anyone catching up, we work together and barely see each other). I feel so behind (the photo above is from last year). But I'm trying to not let it get me down. This coming week is going to be even crazier than the last, but I'm hoping to maybe get a tree at some point. Anyway, shoutout to anyone else whose holidays aren't picture perfect – I'm right there with you.