Weekend Reading 4.12

Happy Friday! This week was a doozy for some reason – and by "for some reason" I 100% mean "because of taxes, paying taxes, working and traveling all last weekend, and generally feeling exhausted." So anyway, YES. WEEKEND. After Monday's snowstorm I'm looking forward to actual, real warm weather tomorrow (65!) and hopefully spending some time with Chris outside. Our work schedules have been all over the place lately, so time together has been scarce lately and when we do have it, we always seem to end up running errands. So this weekend I'm really hoping to do some exploring. And also put up shelves for my shoes, because that's how it goes. Also feeling tempted to make my life super difficult and do the seasonal closet switch-e-roo way too early (it's still April, after all, which qualifies for winter here in Maine). As usual, too many to-dos and not enough time to do it all. Hope you've got something fun planned! xo