Au Revior, March. Don't Let the Door Hit You On The Way Out!

Top to bottom: Shoes on the South Side // A sunny cat // The line outside The Moth // Working from the cafe // The CMU costume closet // Zephyr really likes having his head scratched
A few shots from March, a month that I'm excited to leave behind me. Like most of the country, we're still very much in the grips of winter- it has snowed every day this week- and I'm just one in a chorus of many, singing the same song of "where's spring?"
Thanks for all the positive thoughts last week regarding our apartment hunt, we got the place we looked at and are looking forward to: no more wall-to-wall carpets (the bane of my existence), being within walking distance of something other than a gas station, and living in a space that lends itself better to socializing. I'm hoping this also means that we'll be able to get Zeb (our other cat) back, because Zephyr is pretty darn lonely. And clingy. We're not moving until early summer, but I've already started planning. I'm ready for a fresh start, we both are. How was your month? Anything exciting happening in April?
I'll be working on my recap of the Whole 30 this weekend, if there is anything specific you'd like me to address, please let me know, either in the comments or on Facebook.