Art Notes...

All images ©Julie O'Boyle
I hope everyone enjoyed their Veterans Day! For me, it was so nice to be able to do something substantial. This morning I decided to trek out to North Adams, MA for a visit to Mass MoCa (aka: the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art). The drive between Albany and North Adams is beautiful (if you avoid the highway like I did) and reminded me so much of where my Dad lives in New Hampshire, I love mountain roads (I saw the most amazing sunset on the ride back!). The Mass MoCa galleries are located in a historic mill building with beautiful high ceilings and huge windows. Today there was a lot of video installation and my favorite artist out of all that was shown was Guy Ben-Ner. Ben-Ner recreates classic stories like Moby Dick and Don Quixote and often uses his family as co-stars. I added his "Moby Dick" piece below. This was my favorite video -I love it when artists don't take themselves too seriously- and his daughter is so cute! It's a long video but well worth taking the time to view- this is actually just Part 1 if you wish to watch the rest, Part 2 will come up at the end- enjoy!
"Daily Style" will resume tomorrow!