Inspired By...Rain

Sweatshirt: J.Crew (24.00)
Button-Up: Gap via Thrift (3.99)
Jeans: BDG (gift)
OTK Socks: Target (6.99)
Wellies: Hunter via Ebay (60.00)
Rain sure has a way of putting a damper on things (get it? Damper? har har). Waking up this morning was made nearly impossible by torrential downpours and 40 * weather- late fall has arrived ladies and gentlemen- soon it will be snow! I decided that todays outfit is not inspired by art, but by rain. When it's raining outside, all I want to do is sleep, but work needed to be done today so the next best thing is wearing comfy clothes. This sweatshirt kept me toasty warm and layered over a white oxford, looked professional enough for work. That last picture is of me talking to one of my landlords, every time he catches me taking pictures, we end up in a lengthy discussion about something or other and then I take pictures of him. It's always a strange interaction. And always awkward. Also, I'm sorry about that car in the shot, the only way I can take photos outside when it's raining is to set up the tripod inside our building's foyer and shoot looking out the door- and this is the view!